Our Programs


Reading and Writing

We understand that writing can be a daunting task for many students, so our educators work with a nurturing, strengths-based approach that instills confidence and fosters a love for creative expression.

Through personalized instruction, we identify individual challenges and tailor strategies to overcome them. Our evidence-based practices focus on building foundational writing skills, from organizing ideas and crafting coherent paragraphs to mastering grammar and vocabulary.

Our reading and writing program empowers students to find their unique voice and engage with literature. We explore all kinds of texts, encouraging critical thinking and analysis. By providing a supportive environment and a process-oriented approach, we transform reluctant writers into enthusiastic communicators, ready to embrace the joy of writing.

Spark their interest

Students choose their own reading material. They have the opportunity to reflect on the text and engage creatively with the content.

Teach the process

Our homework guides students through the writing process. They will read, reflect, plan, and write. We also provide a checklist for students to self-edit before meeting with an instructor.

Receive feedback

Our educators use a rubric aligned with the Virginia Department of Education’s Writing Standards to score your child’s essay. We find teachable moments in the student’s work to discuss organization, detail, flow, mechanics, and grammar.

Set a goal

With help from their instructor and clear standards, students reflect on their work and make a plan for how to improve.


Students correct mechanical errors, rework clunky verbiage, elaborate on examples, and more in the final step of our process.


Current research explains that process-based and highly visual math curriculum paired with explicit instruction is the most effective way for students to learn. Our curriculum is designed with the Virginia Department of Education’s Standards of Learning in mind to complement the content and instruction that kids receive in Loudoun County Public Schools, while also providing the individual instruction and creative teaching approaches that are needed to make learning fun and productive.

Our educators mentor students with essential problem-solving, critical thinking, and metacognitive skills. We cultivate a growth mindset, enabling students to become independent learners who are resilient, adaptable, and equipped to conquer any academic endeavor.

Empowerment means giving students what they need, whether that’s building a more solid foundation at their current grade level or exploring math concepts they’ll need in the future.

Students complete math homework that is assigned according to their individual needs and goals.

Students attend lessons for individual instruction.

The teacher assigns classwork that helps reinforce challenging concepts from the homework

The teacher assigns new homework.

K-5 Homework Help

This program is exactly what it sounds like! For a flat monthly fee, students in grade K – 5 can come to the center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for help with LCPS homework.

In these 90-minute sessions. A Homework Helper will motivate your child to stay focused, organized, and working on school-related homework tasks. We provide a working environment with resources to meet most homework-related needs.

Test Preparation

Our instructors provide practice materials and individualized instruction in small groups to help prepare you with the content, strategy, and attitude you need in order to do your best on test day!


CogAT and NNAT



ACT…and more!

Executive Function Coaching


Do you need to address school-related concerns with your child, but find it difficult because of anxiety, push-back, or shut-downs?

An executive function coach can act as a buffer between you and your child, helping to motivate and move forward without the
Ms. Jessica is now a trained and certified to provide these services. Schedule a Start-Up Session with her to evaluate areas of strength and challenge. We’ll work together to design processes and strategies that can help you succeed in school and beyond.


Empower Your Child

Call For Inquiry

Your empowered journey starts with a free assessment.